Authors Helping Authors

Interview with Caitlin Weaver

On this chilly January day, we sit down with my friend, Caitlin Weaver, to discuss her past and future successes as well as a bit about her writing process. Are you ready? Here we go…

Your big success began with SUCH A GOOD FAMILY, released in 2024. Can you tell us if this was your first attempt at writing a novel, or do you have other manuscripts stuffed in a drawer somewhere?

This was my first attempt at writing a novel, but the published product is light years away from where I started! The manuscript underwent at least twenty revisions as I taught myself the craft of novel writing. And, after querying it nearly a hundred times, I truly thought it would end up gathering dust in a drawer. Thankfully, it eventually found its way to my wonderful editor, who recognized its potential.

Here’s another fun fact: Such a Good Family wasn’t the first manuscript I submitted to my publisher. I initially sent them a different project, which they liked enough to ask if I had anything else to share. So, I sent them Such a Good Family, and here we are!

You wear many other hats, besides author and including Mommy, journalist, and wife. What’s the best advice you’d give to other writers out there juggling multiple careers?

Someone once told me that when you have so many balls in the air, you’re inevitably going to drop a few. The trick is to let go of the plastic ones, not the glass. That advice really stuck with me. If you aim for perfection in every aspect of life, you’re bound to burn out. Sometimes, “good enough” is all you need—especially when it comes to deciding what to make for dinner or filming something for social media even if you haven’t washed your hair and the house looks like a tornado hit it.

Are you a plotter or a pantser?

I’m a flexible plotter. I need to know how a book ends before I start writing, so I create a big-picture outline and a more detailed chapter-by-chapter spreadsheet for at least the first half of the book. I’ve learned to keep the second half more open, as new plot lines or characters often reveal themselves along the way. Having a detailed outline allows me to draft quickly. Each morning, I sit down at my computer, open my spreadsheet, see what’s next, and then I’m off to the races.

How did publishing your first book change your writing process, or did it?

I don’t have an MFA or any formal writing training, so my first book became my learning experience. It involved a lot of trial and error, and I probably tossed out at least 30,000 words. That process taught me invaluable lessons that now helps me write in a much more streamlined way. I still tend to overwrite and put in a lot of backstory that I eventually cut, but I allow myself that freedom because I’ve learned it’s part of how I truly get to know my characters.

THE PERFECT PLAN was just released into the world, and I am so excited to read it! It makes me curious, though, about those book reviews. Are you someone that reads all the reviews or steers clear of them at all costs?

When my debut novel, Such a Good Family, was released, I did read the early reviews. Now, I don’t keep up with them—there are simply too many to track. Plus, I know in my heart that I wrote the best book I could. It may not be for everyone, and that’s perfectly okay. Every once in a while, I check Amazon or Goodreads to see if people are reviewing the book (please do—it makes a huge difference for authors!), but I avoid diving into specific reviews.

I also regularly receive emails and DMs from readers who have loved the book, and those messages mean the world to me! If you’re ever considering reaching out to an author to share how their book resonated with you but hesitate because it feels silly, let me tell you: please send that email! Hearing from readers personally is incredibly rewarding.

If you didn’t write for a living, what would be your profession?

I had a corporate career for a long time, and while I enjoyed parts of it, now if I wasn’t writing I’d probably be a professional organizer—closets, pantries, and the like. I can tolerate mess, but I think more clearly when my surroundings are tidy. My own home is far from organized, though, but it’s my dream that one day it will be!

How is the best way for us to stay up-to-date on all things Caitlin Weaver and follow along with your success, new releases, etc?

I’m on Instagram, where I talk a lot about books and writing, and over on Substack, where I have a regular newsletter covering everything from book news to why I’m obsessed with dating shows. I’d love to connect!

THANK YOU so much, Caitlin for spending a little time with us today and sharing about your successful journey. If you haven’t yet read any of Caitlin’s books, I’d highly recommend them. I’m a big fan, personally, and I think you’ll love them, too! See you in the pages, friends!