Authors Helping Authors

Interview with Emily Bleeker

On this brisk November day, we are talking with the fabulous Emily Bleeker. If you haven’t yet picked up an Emily Bleeker book…well, you should run to the bookstore, y’all! Here we go.

What inspired you to start writing?

In my first year of teaching, I ran a writer’s workshop with my students, and when they were writing, I’d write too. It opened up a hunger for putting my ideas on the page and being courageous enough to share them. I told myself that if my students are brave enough to write without a safety net, then I have zero excuses for keeping my writing to myself.

To what do you attribute the phenomenal success of your debut WRECKAGE?

I wish I knew! Ha. All I know is that I’m so grateful other people love it as much as I do. I know why I love Wreckage—the intense relationships, the complex moral questions, the slow revealing mysteries. It was a delightful mystery to write about, and I hope readers feel the same while reading it.

You have an amazing following, and for good reason. What is your philosophy for relationship-building with your readership?

I try to focus more on who I am as an author (and human) than on trying to sell my books. I don’t like selling–I like sharing myself, my life and my stories. I also love people and cheer for them, so connecting with my readers is always such a treat.

Do you hide any secrets in your books that only a few people (or those searching very hard) will find?

A few! A lot of the numbers I use relate to my life, and I used my neighbor’s name  (well, former neighbor now that she’s moved) in every book in a small cameo moment. She always reads my books to find out to what character she has been matched this time around, which I totally love.

What is the average length of time it takes you to write a book, and has that changed between WRECKAGE and WHEN WE CHASED THE LIGHT?

It took me YEARS to write WRECKAGE. It was my first attempt at writing a novel, and it was really how I learned the process of creating a long work and then really dig into editing and revising. WHEN WE CHASED THE LIGHT kind of fell out of me in six months after writing WHEN WE WERE ENEMIES. I already knew Vivian from writing part of her story in that novel and I knew she had a whole other life story to tell. I was so excited when my editor also wanted to hear her story. I hope readers feel the same!

What was your favorite book as a child?

My dad used to read to me and my siblings every night. My favorite books he’d read to us were THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA. I think my favorite was THE SILVER CHAIR.

What is the best piece of marketing advice you’d give a new author?

I tell new authors all the time to not be shy about posting on social media and being themselves. I know it can feel uncomfortable and like oversharing at times but this is your business. Target never feels awkward posting their fall sale so why should we? You are your brand—own it proudly!

Do you ever Google yourself?

I don’t but—my daughter does. Ha. She told me that sometimes her classmates will even Google me which is…weird and very funny in my opinion.

How do we make sure we stay up to date on the latest Emily Bleeker information and latest releases?

Follow me at all the spots: Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Threads etc and you can sign up for my newsletter at to get all the most important info right into your mailbox. Also—fun fact—if you really want support an author it’s a great idea to follow their Amazon author page!


Thank you, Emily, for this entertaining and informative interview. I cannot wait to see what she’s got lined up next for us. Until next time, y’all! See you soon.