Authors Helping Authors

Interview with Jess Ames

Today is a special day, y’all! We sit down with the fabulous author (and my own critique partner and writing bestie), Ms. Jess Ames!

Can you tell us a little about the inspiration for Everything You’ve Ever Known?

Sure! A few years ago, my youngest told me he wanted to trick or treat with his friends and it about broke my heart. I love being a mom and everything that entails (mostly), and after 25 years of parenting five kids, I couldn’t believe that phase of my life was over. My kids were growing up and didn’t need me as much as they once did… and who doesn’t love being needed?

One day, I was thinking about how hard this stage is, the letting go, and how hard it is to find our purpose once our role as “mom” is reduced to “I need more socks” and “can I get a ride?” — or worse: “Can I borrow the keys?” How do women figure out what’s next for them when parenting and being a wife is all they’ve ever known?

What was the most challenging part of writing this book?

Honestly, it wasn’t the actual writing of the first draft.; that was finished in four weeks. I couldn’t even stop and was writing every day. The hardest part was realizing how many rounds of edits and revisions were necessary to get a book I wrote in four weeks ready for an editor. Yikes! It was so rough and I needed to get dialogue tags, beats, descriptions, humor — all of the good stuff — into the story and it was… laborious.

What part of your book do you think makes it a good choice for book clubs to discuss?

I don’t want to give away the whole story, but let’s just say Paige’s story is inspirational for those of us who are staring down a long road of “different” without any kind of navigation or a single guide book. It’s a story that reminds us that the end of everything we’ve ever known can be the beginning of something beautiful and fulfilling.

Are any of the characters or settings in Everything You’ve Ever Known based on real people/places and, if so, can you let us in on that information?

Yes! The house she moves into is based on a house that my uncle once owned in Dunedin, Florida, which is a neighboring town to Clearwater where some of the scenes take place and many of the characters live. I stayed there many times with my family and it was so fun to visualize Paige and her friends moving through the house as we once did. Most of the locations mentioned in the book are fictitious, but I built them around actual places and businesses in Dunedin and Clearwater, Florida.

Can you share with us a little about your journey to becoming a published author?

Certainly! I knew from the start that I was going to self-publish. In fact, a memory from five years ago just popped up on social media about how I was in the process of writing a book and I was most likely going to self-publish it. That book has been relegated to the depths of my hard drive and I resurrect it for parts every now and then, but I did end up self-publishing afterall.

That being said, it was quite a journey to get here! I didn’t know what I didn’t know, and I spent just as much time learning the ropes as I did editing and revising. I spent countless hours reading blogs (Jane Friedman’s blog is an absolute must for any author), searching for more information, reading as many books as I could get my hands on, listening to podcasts, watching videos… you get the idea. My brain is so packed to the gills with publishing information that I can barely remember my own name, but I am so glad I chose this route!

Other than printing and delivery costs, I get to keep most of what is left, but most importantly, I have complete control over everything I do. I choose the story I write. I choose the title, the cover design, the editor, the ARC readers, the PR packages, and when it’s ready for publication. I alone am the archive of my success — or failure — and I wouldn’t have it any other way. It’s a lot of work and even more learning the ropes, but I am having a blast!

Will we hear more from Paige and the gang?

Absolutely! I have bonus chapters for those who have read Everything You’ve Ever Known, and book two in the series is currently being edited and will be published early 2025. Only you and my critique partners know what (and who) it’s about, but it’s going to be just as inspirational as Paige’s story.

How has the launch and subsequent success of your first book changed your writing and marketing?

There have been so many requests for book two that I’ve been writing fast and editing as much as I can. I’ve also taken all the feedback I’ve gotten from book one and used it to improve my storytelling, using what’s worked and learning how to fix what didn’t. I’m also learning that every story isn’t for everybody, and sometimes a reader’s feedback reflects that. It’s helped me in my marketing and finding my ideal reader for Everything You’ve Ever Known.

What is the best way to find you and to keep up with the latest updates?

Readers can sign up for my newsletter on my site:, and follow me on Instagram and Facebook.


One more treat Jess has in store for our Deonna Kay readers is a free book! That’s right…she’s giving away a chance to win a copy of Everything You’ve Ever Known. Enter here: for your chance to win. The contest ends on Friday the 13th, so don’t delay.

Thank you, Jess, for spending some time with us today. We can’t wait to see what your next book, Everything You’ve Ever Wanted, scheduled to be released early spring 2025, has in store for us. I look forward to following your many successes and hope y’all do, too. See you soon!